Data Structures

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A data structure is a type of storage, that organises data in a way so that it can be used efficiently. This week I will look at the different types of data structures, and their varying uses.

Primitive & Non-Primitive Data Structures

Data structures can be categorised into two groups - primitive data structures and non-primitive data structures. Primitive data structures are basic types that are often built into a programming language- e.g integers, characters and strings. These are the simplest data structures, and are efficient at storing single values of a single type. However, non-primitive data structures (e.g arrays and linked lists) are much more complex, and can store sets of data of more than one type.

Primitive Data Structures

These are fundamental types that are built into programming languages and do not need to be derived from other data structures. They represent single, simple values - such as an integer. Because of this simplicity, they are extremely memory efficient. They also have a fixed size, and thus the amount of memory they require is predefined by their type (e.g integer requiring a different amount to a string), and does not change. This memory is typically allocated on the stack.

Examples of primitive data structures include:

Integer Structure

These represent whole numbers, that may be either negative or positive. Different programming languages have different primitive data structures, for example Java makes use of the long keyword, which denotes a 64 bit integer, whereas others such as Javascript do not make such distinctions.

Boolean Structure

These represent a truthy/falsy value, in the form of true or false, and are very simple data structures.

Character Structure

These represent a character, e.g s. Different programming languages implement this differently, with some - e.g Javascript, abstracting a string as an array of characters, without the need for this to be defined.

Non-Primitive Data Structures

These are data structures that are more complex, and normally not built into the programming language, instead being constructed using primitive data structures. Because of this complexity, they allow for the management of complex data, and allow developers to handle challenging scenarios. They are able to hold multiple data types, and are designed to store a collection of items.

Because of this, they do not have a predefined size, and thus memory is allocated in the heap, rather than the stack.

Comparison Between Primitive & Non-Primitive Data Structures

MemoryMemory is allocated on the stack, and is of a fixed and predefined size.Memory is allocated on the heap, and can be of varying sizes, based on the structure's size.
StorageCan store single values of a single type.Can store multiple values of different types.
EfficiencyExtremely efficient due to their simplicity.Can be less efficient due to there being more overhead when creating them.
UsageUseful for representing and storing simple, single values.Using for organising complex data sets and patterns.

Linear & Non-Linear Data Structures

Non-primitive data structures can then be categorised further - whilst primitive data structres cannot. These can be categorised as linear and non-linear data structures, where linear data structures are structures in which data is arranged in a sequence (one element after the other), whilst in non-linear data structures, it is not, and instead the data forms a hierarchy, with elements having multiple ways of connecting to other elements.

Linear Data Structures

Because linear data structures are structured sequentially, they can be much more easily implemented, because computer memory is also arranged in a linear way.

Array Structure

These are a collection of elements - of the same type- that are in sequential order. Elements of an array are accessed with their index number. They allow data to be stored as a collection.

It is also vital in the implementation of other data structures, such as stacks and queues.

Stack Structure

This stores elements according to the LIFO (Last in First Out) principle, meaning that the last element added to a stack, will be the first removed. These operations are refered to as PUSH and POP operations, with a POP removing the last element from the stasck, and a PUSH inserting an element onto the stack.

They can be implemented using an array, or a linked list.

Queue Structure

This stores elements according to the FIFO (First in First Out) principle, meaning that the first element added to a queue, will be the first removed.

Elements are inserted onto the queue at one end, and removed from the other.

They can be implemented using arrays, linked lists or stacks.

Linked List Structure

Elements are connected to various nodes, with each node storing two items: the actual data, and a pointer that contains the address of the subsequent node in the list.

The last node will have a null pointer - demonstrating that it leads to nothing. This last node is also called the tail, due to it being at the end of the list.

The first node is called the head and is the access point of the list, pointing to the first element of the linked list.

Non-Linear Data Structures

Tree Structure

This forms a hierarchy, containing a collection of nodes, each of which stores a value and a list of references to other nodes - it's children.

It is similar to a linked list, but can have more than one child node. Additionally, they are similar to graphs, but there can only be one edge between nodes.

Graph Structure

This forms a network of nodes and edges, with the possibility of multiple edges connecting nodes. These are similar to tree's and linked lists.

Comparison Between Linear & Non-Linear Data Structures

PropertyLinear Data StructuresNon-Linear Data Structures
ArrangementElements are arranged in a linear order (data is stored consecutively).Elements are organised hierarchically, in a non-sequential structure.
StorageEach element is directly linked to its previous and next elements.Each element is stored in a random manner, at random memory locations, and may be linked to multiple elements.
ImplementationConsiderably easier to implement due to their relative simplicity.More complex to implement.
LayersThe data is arranged in a single layer.The data is arranged in multiple layers.
TraversabilityElements can be traversed in a single run only.Elements cannot be traversed in a single run only, and multiple runs are required.
Memory EfficiencyMemory is not utilised efficiently.Memory is utilised efficiently.
UsesThey are widely used in software development.They are widely used in Artificial intelligence and image processing.


Whilst researching different data structures I have discovered that there exists scenarios where simple, primitive data structures are simply insufficient, and that sometimes other - non-primitive data structures are needed.

Whilst developing my Graph Theory tool, I largely mirrored elements of the Graph data structure, without the actual understanding of what it is, nor how it worked - something I now have.

Toby Chambers © 2024